How Classroom Technology Can Save Educators Time Before, During, and After Class

Ask any educator what they wish for more of. “Time” is bound to be one of their first answers. Between planning the lesson for the day, grading assignments, and instructing the class, it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. Fortunately, classroom management software can help you not only corral all of the laptops, tablets, and devices in your classroom, but can also save you significant time so you can focus more on educating and less on providing tech support or trying to wrangle everyone’s attention. Here are a few ways you can save time with a dedicated classroom management platform. Boost Student Engagement If students in the classroom are more engaged with the lesson, educators can spend less time redirecting attention or repeating themselves, and more time helping students and ensuring everyone understands the concept that is being taught. Classroom management software makes this possible through screen sharing and screen freezing features. For...